Who are We
The BeagleBoard.org® Foundation is dedicated to providing education in and promotion of the design and use of open-source software and hardware in embedded computing. We do this through a portfolio of single board computers whose software and hardware is completely open-source.
Our Brand
Several logos and words that have been registered and trademarked represent the BeagleBoard.org® brand. Appropriate use of our brand is extremely important to the BeagleBoard.org® Foundation. This ensures our proposition is clear and recognizable to the market, enables the most consistent customer experience possible, and increases perceived value.
The following logos:
Minimum height for Beagleboard.org® logo

adequate spacing on all sides to ensure no interference with other colors, graphics, images, etc.
When to Use
- In connection with the sale and distribution of official BeagleBoard.org® products
- When used in this way the logo or trademark must link to our website beagleboard.org
- In a way that highlights your connection with BeagleBoard.org® such as referencing an accessory you’ve created for the BeagleBoard.org® product range
Color Details
Color | CMYK | RGB | HEX |
Tongue Orange | C 0 M 76 Y 100 K 0 | R 242 G 105 B 53 | #F26935 |
Check Mark Green | C 48 M 0 Y 78 K 0 | R 142 G 201 B 105 | #8EC969 |
Blue | C 48 M 0 Y 78 K 0 | R 142 G 201 B 105 | #23b0e6 |
Tongue Brown | C 24 M 82 Y 100 K 17 | R 170 G 81 B 55 | #AA5137 |
Hair Light Brown | C 31 M 47 Y 100 K 10 | R 171 G 131 B 60 | #AB833C |
Hair Dark Brown | C 38 M 55 Y 100 K 24 | R 140 G 106 B 57 | #8C6A39 |
Light Gray | C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 7 | R 237 G 237 B 238 | #ededee |
Gray | C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 23 | R 203 G 204 B 206 | #cbccce |
Medium Gray | C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 56 | R 136 G 138 B 140 | #888a8c |
Dark Gray | C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 79 | R 90 G 91 B 93 | #5a5b5d |
Darker Gray | C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 84 | R 79 G 79 B 81 | #4f4f51 |
Black | C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 100 | R 255 G 255 B 255 | #000000 |
White | C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 0 | R 255 G 255 B 255 | #FFFFFF |
How NOT to use the brand
- In any way that would give the false impression you are endorsed by BeagleBoard.org® without prior consent
- Owning or using a domain name containing “BeagleBoard”, “BeagleBone”, or “PocketBeagle”
- In a false or derogatory light
- To manufacture, sell or give away merchandise
- In any way that will take advantage of our brand and reputation
- In a similar but subtly different way
- Associating the brand with false or counterfeit products
What else should I know?
For non-BeagleBoard.org® materials, if our brand is referenced your business name, brand, and product should take the most prominent position When referencing any of the official BeagleBoard.org® products, such as “BeagleBone® Black”, “BeagleBoard.org®” must always be included as the first part of the naming convention. In this example the correct naming convention is “BeagleBoard.org® BeagleBone® Black”. Both “B”s in any registered version of the “BeagleBone” or “BeagleBoard” text should always be capitalized. “The” should never be used in front of any BeagleBoard.org® reference. “The BeagleBoard.org® PocketBeagle” would be incorrect. “BeagleBoard.org® PocketBeagle” is correct.

Gotham Round is the primary font used for BeagleBoard.org® and is available in the
following weights and styles: