ECE434 Beaglebone BoneBot

This project is a wireless drone that can be controlled using the Blynk app on your phone. It has an autonomous mode that avoids objects.

Categories: Beginner

This project was the result of an open ended prompt to "do something cool" with the Beaglebone Black. Originally we were going to be cute and build the chassis out of Legos, but after we saw the price tag we decided to borrow a plexiglass chassis from a neighboring department at our University. This project is a base that has lots of room to grow. It only uses 6 GPIO pins out of all the pins on the board, so there is plenty of room for growth and personal exploration on top of what this base project has to offer. The git respository, parts, and wiring scheme are all located on this page, but if you want a step by step walk through that includes how to implement USB WIFI dongles and start the process on system startup, please see my wiki page here:

Thank you for looking at this project and I hope that you find something you can enjoy out of it!

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