Manage Raspberry Pis Remotely – Easiest Way

Manage hundreds or thousands of Raspberry Pis / other embedded Linux devices all over the world! Here is how to control and update them!

Categories: Beginner

Edge devices are now everywhere. This quick guide will help you remotely manage and control a fleet of Raspberry Pi over the cloud easily!

Start counting…

3 minutes from now you will manage your edge devices from everywhere!

What I will be able to do with my edge IoT devices after the next 3 minutes?

Deploy OTA updates- Access device terminal remotely using ready-to-use web SSH (wow!)- Send BASH commands and view the outputs- View my edge devices and monitor everything!

Ready to start?

here is how you will see your edge Linux devices after this 3 quick steps:

STEP 1 / 3 – Register – 60 seconds

This guide uses the known
IoT edge device management
platform.To start managing our Linux based devices, all we need to do is register to the platform – there is a free prototyping plan which never ends 🙂 use it!

STEP 2 / 3 – Connect your Linux device – 60 seconds

After choosing the prototyping plan and creating your first project, all we need to do is turn on our embedded Linux device, click on ‘Register Device’, and to run the installation command on the device terminal.
Go back to the ‘Devices’ categoryand…here is your device!

STEP 3/ 3 – Manage & control remotely

Well, now you are on your own. Explore the platform, deploy updates, ssh to the device using the remote control tool, and name it as you would like!

You can now manage your edge devices from everywhere 🙂

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