PocketBeagle Wearable Tops off Your Holidays

Bring some cheer to the holiday season with this PocketBeagle project:

PocketBeagle Wearable Tops off Your Holidays

Use the BeagleBoard.org PocketBeagle with motion sensor to activate LEDs on your DIY “ugly Christmas” wearables. Fun and easy to learn!

BeagleBoard.org PocketBeagle has great performance along with a tiny size and low cost. It makes a perfect platform for building a wearable electronics project. Ugly Christmas Sweaters and other crazy LED projects are fun to share so we decided to try our hand at Holiday Wearables. Since PocketBeagle’s size is even smaller than Raspberry Pi or other similar boards, we were able to fit our project into a Holiday Hat.

Click boards make it easy to add other features – we’ve done motion detection; but you can add other capabilities such as controlling movement, sound or sensors. You can even connect it to your twitter account!

The Python source code is available:

This code uses a Motion Click board with a PocketBeagle and an LED string to turn on the LED string with a random pattern when motion is detected.